Official Name: Republic of Turkey

Date of Foundation: 29 October 1923

Capital: Ankara

Largest Cities: Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana, Antalya

Area: 814.578 km2

Geographical Coordinates: Eastern Meridians 26° and 45° and Northern Parallels 36° and 42°

Coastal Borders: Mediterranean Sea in the south, Aegean Sea in the west and Black Sea in the north

Language: The official language is Turkish. English is widely spoken in major cities.

Currency: TL (Turkish Lira) 1 Euro approximately equals to 2,50 Turkish Liras.

Time Zone: GMT+2; CET +1; and EST (US -East) +7

Business Hours: The working day in Turkey runs from Monday to Friday. Banks, government offices and majority of corporate offices open at 9 AM and close at 5 PM.

Public Holidays: There are two types of public holidays in Turkey: Those that fall on the same day each year; and the religious festivals, which change according to the lunar calendar and, therefore, fall on different dates each year.
1 January, 23 April, 1 May, 19 May, 30 August, 28 & 29 October

Eid (Ramadan): 8 – 10 August 2013
Greater Eid: 15-18 October 2013

Visas: Visas are easily obtained upon arrival at the air­port and are required for citizens of most countries.

Electricity: 220V. European standard round two-pin sockets.

Food: As with many Mediterranean nations Turkish food is very healthy, fresh and delicious.

Water: Tap water is chlorinated and, therefore, safe to drink. However, it is recommended that you consume bottled water, which is readily and cheaply available.

Communications: Turkey has three GSM operators, all of them offering 3G services and almost 95% coverage over the country. Internet service is available all around the country. 

International Dial Code: +90