Be Our Partner

Asklepios Medical Group is a health tourism company with a professional team dedicated to patient safety  and comfort and continuously working towards improving Turkey's Health Tourism Standards...

We understand that patients are travelling to a different country and a culture that they know very little about. Regardless, they expect to obtain the healthcare at the standards similar to or higher than the standards they could find in their home country, but with a price advantage.

That being said, our goal is to achieve the highest quality of healthcare through providing exceptional services with regard to patient safety and providing fast and economical healthcare solutions in Turkey; this is all done in order to increase patient safety standards and ensure complete client satisfaction. We also wish to increase and extend the service quality by teaming up with various organizations and institutions for cooperation all over the world.

If you are;

A physician without any affiliation with a particular hospital…

A medical organization with limited operation opportunities, but with the aim of correct patient guidance...

A manager or the owner of a hospital with limited possibilities but unlimited goals…

A national or international health insurance company...

A tourism company operating in Turkey, or

Someone who is experienced in sending patients for healthcare abroad…

We are looking for you!!!